Join Mayor Kevin Johnson for the Indivisible Meeting

Indivisible: African American Assembly

Monday, January 28 at 6 pm – INDIVISIBLE: African American Assembly Meeting

Indivisible: African American Assembly

Join Mayor Kevin Johnson and the Indivisible group as we kick off 2013.
The meeting will take place on Mon-1/28 at 6 pm at The Guild Theater, 2828 35th Street in Oak Park – Sacramento.

Indivisible is an assembly of African Americans in the Sacramento region who come together for the greater good of our community. The specific goal is to mobilize the African American community around a shared vision and common agenda that will focus on:

  1. EDUCATION-Eliminate the achievement gap between African American students and their counterparts
  2. ECONOMICS-Increase wealth within the African American Community
  3. POLITICS-Ensure equal representation in the democratic process

Indivisible started in February 2011 (with just 8 African Americans increasing with attendance every month) and is active and engaged in giving voice to more than 70,000 African American citizens and constituents in the Sacramento region.

2012 In Review:

  • Indivisible monthly meetings at the Guild Theater averaging slightly less than 200 people
  • Indivisible Team raised $50,000 towards Political action
  • All SCUSD-Sacramento City Unified School District Board issues approved in our favor
  • AB5 – proposed Teacher evaluation legislation defeated
  • Featured Guest Speaker, World-Renowned Commentator Roland Martin
  • 1st African-American Mayor of Sacramento, Kevin Maurice Johnson, re-elected for 2nd term
  • 1st African-American President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, re-elected for 2nd term
  • Allen Wayne Warren elected to Sacramento City Council as District 2 representative
  • Featured Guest Speaker, Mellody Hobson, President of Ariel Investments, LLC and recently appointed as Board Director of Dreamworks Animation SKG, Inc.

For more information, email Essence Hill at
or by phone at (925) 895-6950. 
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