Before Blade, Wesley Snipes tried and failed to get a Black Panther movie made. It would have been dramatically different from the new film.

Marvel’s Black Panther is poised to arrive in theaters with an opening weekend that is going to be huge (as in, more than $170 million huge). Having already received raves from critics, Ryan Coogler’s take on the classic comics superhero is thus bound to be viewed as an unqualified success — and proves that the Marvel Cinematic Universe formula remains unmatched in the blockbuster-moviemaking arena. Nonetheless, Coogler and star Chadwick Boseman aren’t the first artists to try their hand at a film about T’Challa; Wesley Snipes spent considerable effort in the 1990s trying to get his own version of the character off the ground before, eventually, turning his attention to Blade. While that original Panther project wasn’t meant to be and was undone by assorted creative and financial issues, it remains a fascinating what-could-have-been concept. Here are the five biggest ways his film would have taken Black Panther in a unique direction.

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