by contributing writer Michael P. Coleman
“Love Lead The Way” is the 27th release by the six time Grammy Award-winning Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, and theyʼre none the worse for wear. Most recently renowned for their soul-stirring performance of “Battle Hymn Of The Republic” for President Barack Obama at his inauguration earlier this year, the group delivers an eclectic album that features that track along with 14 other inspirational selections, showcasing the multicultural groupʼs varied musical proclivities.
The aforementioned “Battle Hymn” belongs in every spirituals collection, while “I Wonʼt Go Back” and “Working It Out” recall the best of the late Rev. Milton Brunsonʼs Thompson Community Choir. “Faithful To The End” and “Take Me As I Am” are non-apologetic, straight ahead CCM tracks worthy of Michael W. Smith and early Amy Grant, respectively.
The title track has a folk / rock edge a la Steven Curtis Chapman.
If the album has a shortcoming, itʼs the groupʼs attempt to cover so many musical bases. While individual tracks hit the mark for the most part, by the end of the album I was wishing theyʼd picked fewer genres and dug a little deeper into the ones the settled upon.
On the other hand, these days itʼs rare to hear from a group thatʼs this gifted in a variety of genres, and this good at their craft. The vocals and production values throughout the album are top notch.
Thereʼs really not a toss-away cut here, but if youʼre looking for an album with a uniform sound and feel, this might not be the one for you. However, if your inspirational music tastes are varied and diverse, download it from iTunes or pick up a copy.
Email Michael P. Coleman at or follow him on Twitter: @ColemanMichaelP