or for some of us, NOT spending the holidays with our significant other.  The holidays are a time when people who really care about each other spend time together, whether it is with family, close friends, or their significant other.  Why, then, are some of you not spending the holidays with your significant other?  Let’s talk about it.

For starters, ladies and gentlemen, if you’ve been dating someone for over a year now, then it’s safe to assume that you should be spending Thanksgiving, Christmas, and/or New Years together, right?  I’m guessing that some of you will be with your friends and family and not your significant other, and not because you don’t want them to be there.  They’ve come up with an excuse for why they can’t spend the holidays with you.  If they’re going out of town to spend the holidays with their family, that’s one thing.  But if they’re in town, then why shouldn’t you be with them?  Unfortunately, they likely don’t feel as strongly about you as you do about them.  If they are really into you, then they should want you to be with them.  They’d want to introduce you to their family and close friends.   Does it really make sense that they’d spend 360 days out of the year with you, but not the 5 or so holiday days?  Either they aren’t that into you and don’t know how to tell you, or maybe something else is in the picture.

Maybe they are spending the holidays with a different significant other.  It is possible you are the “other woman” or “other man” and just don’t know it.  I don’t know your relationship, but if you’ve never been to their house, then I’m betting that they are married or live with their significant other.  That’s who they’ll be with on the holidays.  Speaking of holidays, Valentine’s day is a great indicator of this, too.  Both men and women who are dating multiple people often find ways to get out of spending Valentine’s Day with all or most of the people they are dating.  Although there are some people, like myself, who just really don’t think too much of Valentine’s day in general.  But, if your significant other would rather spend New Years with his or her friends than you, then you have a problem. 

Another thing that happens during the holidays is people breaking up with each other.  One would think that this is a time to come together, not break apart, right?  Well, ladies if you’re dating a cheap man, then maybe he’s picking a fight or getting distant because he doesn’t want to worry about spending money on a gift.  Some people may think that no man would be that cheap.  You would be incorrect.  Now, I’m not saying people who’ve been dating for 2 years would do this, but people who’ve been dating for 2 months?  Definitely.  You’ll know I’m right when he gets back in touch with you in the beginning of January.

There are also people who find the upcoming holidays as a perfect time to end things with the people they are seeing because they don’t want to lead the other person on.  Holiday are for loved ones and if they don’t love you, then they might not want to spend the holidays with you.  So, if you’re spending the holidays with your significant other, be happy because they do like you.  Either that or you give really good presents and they don’t want to miss out.

E-mail your comments and relationship questions to ask-aaron@sacculturalhub.com.  Your comments may get published in the issue of THE HUB Magazine.



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