The City of Citrus Heights and Citrus Heights Police Department (CHPD) has officially launched its Fifth Annual Holiday Referral Program, which works with various local service clubs, schools, neighborhoods, businesses and community members to brighten the holidays for several Citrus Heights families.
Last year, the City worked with over 40 service clubs, business groups, social clubs, churches, schools and community members to assist 80 families, including 180 children and 160 adults.
The program relies heavily on the community to help make the effort a success — participation can include the donation of items, adopting a family, volunteering, or all of the above. Donations will be accepted from November 25 to December 15, 2013, at the Citrus Heights Police Department, 6315 Fountain Square Drive, between the hours of 8am-5pm Monday through Friday or Saturdays from 9am-2pm.
Community members an also nominate a family who needs assistance by filling out a referral form and submitting it to CHPD. Pick up a referral form at the CHPD front counter or online at Completed referrals can be either be dropped off at CHPD or mailed to CHPD, 6315 Fountain Square Drive, Citrus Heights, CA 95621. Applications will be accepted from November 4 through November 22, 2013.
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