The coronavirus isn’t so novel anymore. It was new when it hit us early last year. If you were like me, you thought we’d follow the CDC’s guidance and hunker down, wear our masks, keep our distance, wash our hands, and have that puppy behind us by Memorial Day.
Instead, we’re mourning the deaths of over 335,000 Americans. Over 19 million people in this country have contracted the virus. Worldwide, that number’s over 81 million.
Those numbers could bring even the most optimistic of us down, as will the inability for family and friends to gather safely any time soon. Luckily, I saw the dark cloud coming last spring, and decided to look for the good in a world that has kept me, a lifetime extrovert, largely shut in for the better part of the year.
While I’m in no way suggesting that impacted families should have an easy time with things (my own niece contracted the virus last fall, and scared us all to death), I do think that there’s strength in reshaping the narrative, and not letting COVID-19 run the show.
Read freelance writer MPC’s full column, and get his take on flipping the script on COVID for your own mental and emotional health! Also, get his early take on a “New Year’s Resolution” for 2021!
Michael P Coleman is a freelance writer who, as a kid, talked to strangers and got punished. Today, he talks to strangers and gets published. Follow his blog, his IG and his Twitter.