Cindy Ord via Getty Images
Cindy Ord via Getty Images

Denzel Washington has made huge strides in Hollywood over his decades-spanning career, paving the way for other African-American stars to excel in an industry that has historically excluded and stereotyped black performers. But after over 30 years in the business, the 62-year-old actor said that darker-skinned actors and actresses who call out colorism in the industry are simply looking to “blame someone else” for their failure. 

In an interview with BET published last week, Washington was asked whether colorism has negatively affected the careers of dark-skinned actors and actresses in Hollywood. His response was disappointing, to say the least. Referring to Viola Davis’s performance in his new film, “Fences,” Washington said:

“One of the best roles for a woman of any color in the last, in a good good while or at least any movie that I’ve been in, a dark-skinned woman has in this film.”

For the complete story, visit Voices.


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