If you’ve been counting down the days and hours until the arrival of “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” or are married or dating  someone who already has their ticket to the highly anticipated film, you can thank Harry Lennix.

Since uttering the following lines from Frank Miller’s “The Dark Knight Returns” graphic novel at the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con International, Lennix essentially  lit the  fuse for the big screen showdown between two of DC Comics’ most iconic comic book superheroes:

I want you to remember Clark…In all the years to come…In your most private moments…I want you to remember my hand at your throat… I want you to remember the one man who beat you.”

Read more at http://www.eurweb.com/2016/03/harry-lennix-talks-rock-star-moment-with-batman-v-superman/#XUSArVIuRJGL1JTx.99


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