By Michael P Coleman

It’s not often that a get a major shock while shopping in a Target, but that’s exactly what happened last week.  During my search for something to relieve some nagging back pain (you don’t want to know!), I stumbled across Tru-Colour Skin Tone Bandages. 

They’re being marketed to people of color communities with darker skin tones.  Customers have three different tones from which to choose, but don’t look for the product to include any of the crazy names that are sometimes used to market product to African Americans.  Tru-Colour has intentionally not named the shades of their bandages. 

“We were opposed to naming them ‘Walnut’ or any of a series of names that had been suggested,” said Mason Duling, Tru-Colour Products co-founder during an EXCLUSIVE interview with THE HUB.  “We really thought that no color, and especially skin tone, can be described with a particular name.  Everyone has a slightly different tint and color.” 

Tru-Colour Skin Tone Bandages were born in the mind of Duling’s business partner, Toby Meisenheimer, who grew frustrated when he couldn’t find a “flesh-toned’ bandage for his son.  So he created one — and launched the product to make wound care inclusive and less noticeable for people of color. 

“The mission of Tru-Colour Bandages is ultimately about valuing people,” said Meisenheimer.  “From the kid with a scraped knee to the colleague with a paper cut, a bandage has always been a small, tangible way to show care and concern. We believe representation is another way to show we care about those who are healing around us.” 

Tru-Colour Bandages give consumers of all skin tones a choice in the bandage aisle in nearly 2,000 Target stores nationwide.  Target is the first major retailer to sell Tru-Colour’s bandages.

“We’re thrilled that Target resonates with our belief that everyone deserves a bandage that matches their skin tone,” said Meisenheimer. 

And Duling told THE HUB that Target is just the beginning. 

“Down the road, we want to branch into other big box stores,” said Duling, “and obviously into the pharmacy market.” 

Tru-Colour Bandages are available in over 2,000 Target stores nationwide. 

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Connect with freelancer Michael P Coleman at, or follow him on Twitter:  @ColemanMichaelP


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