by Michael P Coleman

Boudin SF, the home of the best clam chowder this side of Pier 39 in San Francisco, is selling breakfast.  Who knew?

Please don’t tell me you did, because that would mean you kept one of Sacramento’s best-kept secrets to yourself!

I stumbled across Boudin SF last weekend.  It was just before 11am, and on a whim I strolled down the strip mall to Boudin in the hope that they’d be open for lunch and serving their requisite pizza, sandwiches and (of course) clam chowder.

What I found was that, anytime before 11am, you can order breakfast.  And I mean BREAKFAST:  scrambles, french toast (made with their incredible sourdough)…breakfast!  Both the vegetable scramble and the turkey and broccoli scramble were excellent.  They have a spacious patio outside, the coffee was hot…I couldn’t have asked for more. 

But check THIS out:  as we waited for our food, the manager walked over with a complimentary loaf of sourdough bread, apologizing for our wait (it had been all of ten minutes).  I’ve since learned that Boudin’s sourdough provides the foundation for an AWESOME peanut butter & jelly sandwich.  (Trust me on this.  I’m a PB & J fanatic.)

Boudin has some seasonal favorites (including a delicious-looking chicken pot pie) that I’ll have to explore, but I thought you’d want to know about their great breakfasts. 

And when you check them out, ask for Nicole, Morgan, or Annika — they’ll take very good care of you! 

You’re welcome! 

Boudin SF is located at 2573 Fair Oaks Blvd., or get more info at

 Connect with Sacramento-based freelancer Michael P Coleman at or follow him on Twitter:  @ColemanMichaelP.


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