*The University of Michigan — my alma mater! — lost Saturday’s nail biter to rival Michigan State University in the last ten seconds of the game.  To be honest, I still haven’t quite recovered.


With a 26 -23 lead, Michigan’s punter Blake O’Neill fumble was snatched up by Michigan State’s Jalen Watts-Jackson, who returned the ball 38 yards for a game winning touchdown and a victory over my beloved Wolverines.

As painful as the loss was, I can’t imagine my reaction had I seen local station WZZM’s live report just after the game, announcing Michigan’s victory over MSU!

For the rest of the story, visit Eur/ThisandThat.com/Sports




With a 26 -23 lead, Michigan’s punter Blake O’Neill fumble was snatched up by Michigan State’s Jalen Watts-Jackson, who returned the ball 38 yards for a game winning touchdown and a victory over my beloved Wolverines.


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