Photo: Angela Weiss, AFP/Getty Images
Photo: Angela Weiss, AFP/Getty Images

Nicki Minaj spent a portion of her Saturday night on Twitter donating money to high-performing college students who need help covering education costs.

The news came as a shock to many who heard it online. A hip-hop superstar deciding to make it rain for college tuition on a whim? No way.

The night of giving began with Minaj tweeting about a contest that gives a fan the chance to join her at the upcoming Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas or hang with her in the studio. In the tweet, she made it clear she had enough money to fly in that fan from anywhere in the world.

That prompted Twitter user @cjbydesign to ask if the rapper would be willing to pay for college tuition. Minaj responded by saying sure, as long as the fan could provide proof that they went to school and had straight A’s.

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