For 25 years, Oprah captivated America with her beloved talk show, The Oprah Show. Her brand-new series, streaming exclusive on Apple TV+, is a different talk show—one made for a different America. Each episode of The Oprah Conversation features Oprah having urgent conversations with thought leaders about the issues that affect us all.
In this week’s episode, Oprah and Professor Ibram X. Kendi, bestselling author of How to Be an Antiracist, discuss the concept of antiracism. While introducing Kendi, Oprah explains the paradox of the moment: Racial injustice is prevalent, yet virtually nobody considers him or herself to be racist.
“This moment has magnified the intensity of racial injustice to such a level that it’s undeniable for most people who are willing to see it, yet if you were to ask most people in America, ‘Are you a racist?’ Most people would answer no. We know no one wants to call themselves a racist,” Oprah says.
Enter: The idea of “antiracism,” which Kendi explores thoroughly in his New York Times-bestselling book. Being antiracist calls for a more proactive, introspective approach than simply denying racism, Kendi says. “Saying you’re not a racist is not the same as being an antiracist. They are two very different ways of living in the world,” Oprah explains.
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