Oprah Winfrey is all for self-acceptance, but she has her limits.

“This whole P.C. about accepting yourself as you are — you should, 100 percent,” Winfrey told New York Times magazine in an interview for a piece titled “Losing It in the Anti-Dieting Age.”
When it comes to being over a certain pound threshold, however, the media mogul said she just can’t do it.
“For your heart to pump, pump, pump, pump, it needs the least amount of weight possible to do that,” she said. “So all of the people who are saying, ‘Oh, I need to accept myself as I am’ — I can’t accept myself if I’m over 200 pounds, because it’s too much work on my heart. It causes high blood pressure for me. It puts me at risk for diabetes, because I have diabetes in my family.”
For the full story, visit CNN.com/Entertainment.


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