I’m not one to want the brightest, shiniest, newest piece of tech or equipment.
Who am I fooling?
I live for Apple’s periodic product launch events, during which they tease new iPhones, iMacs, smart devices and the like.
I have one of each, and several of some, of their devices. I switched over from a non-Apple platform — I don’t even remember what it was called…Microsoft? Android? — over a decade ago, and I haven’t looked back.
That said, I also form an odd, very personal attachment to my tech devices, and I hold onto them, sometimes, until well after their expiration dates. I like to run my devices into the ground before I replace or upgrade them. I’m still carrying an iPhone 8, although its battery is starting to fade.
Last fall, the hard drive on my five year old desktop died, and as the warranty had expired, I decided to try to limp through the winter with just my MacBook, in the hope that Apple would upgrade their desktops and present something worth adding to my office.
They did. The mirthful new iMacs with Apple’s new M1 chip are amazing.
“Fast” is an understatement when describing the speed with which my new iMac opens apps, switches between tasks…even turns on! Yesterday, I upgraded software on it more quickly than I ever did on the 2015 model it replaced — I got everything started and took a quick coffee break, and I was off to the races when I got back to my office.
The new, spacious 24-inch monitor adds almost three amazingly vibrant inches of real estate to my desk, and paired with the 8-core CPU and 7-core GPU, multitasking via multiple windows is a breeze.
You won’t believe how crisp the speakers are, making music playback, not to mention audio calls & Zoom meetings, sound incredible.
And I’m told that the 1080 camera is a sharp upgrade from the 2020 iPad one I’d been using for video productions.
Click here to read freelance writer MPC’s review of the mirthful new iMacs!
Michael P Coleman is a Sacramento based freelance writer who has his eye on the Pulitzer Prize. Connect with him at michaelpcoleman.com or follow his blog, his IG and his Twitter.