The best, sweetest dog in the world, Rover Jo, died just before midnight Monday, August 31, in our kitchen, with her head on my lap. After spending 11 of Jo’s 12 years on earth with her, I now understand why someone once called a dog “man’s best friend.”
She was a beautiful, full brindle pit bull mix. Animal Control had found her walking the streets after having chewed threw a rope leash and escaped what we think had been a puppy mill. Jo had already been bred and delivered a litter of pups by the time we got her. My husband and kids often joked that she had been looking for me as she roamed those streets, on her way to our home and hearts.
Most people thought that “Rover Jo” was an odd name to give a dog to you, but for a family with another hound named Reeses (after the popular candy bar), the unconventional name was a perfect fit.
And so was Rover Jo.
Grab the Kleenex and read freelance writer MPC’s column, and learn what he learned from his love affair with Rover Jo…and how he came up with a name like that for a dog! Spoiler alert: Jim Henson would have been proud.
Click here to connect with freelance writer Michael P Coleman, click here to check out his blog, or follow him on Instagram and Twitter: @ColemanMichaelP