by Michael P Coleman
Bounce TV is bringing The Cosby Show back to television starting December 19.
The network says its decision to return the classic 80s sitcom to your home and mine was one made “by popular demand.”
Here’s Bounce TV’s full statement:
“Following the results of a qualitative research study which indicated demand from a vast majority of Bounce viewers to see ‘The Cosby Show’ on television again, the network has made the decision to begin airing the series next month. While we take very seriously the accusations against Bill Cosby, our research showed that African-American consumers see a distinction between Bill Cosby, the man, and the iconic TV character Cliff Huxtable. Research and direct viewer feedback were the deciding factors in the network’s decision to move forward. The desire among African Americans to see the show on TV again is being reinforced on social media based upon overwhelmingly positive viewer response since the announcement.”
I’ll have to check with UVerse to see if I get Bounce TV before December 19 because YES I am in full support of this programming decision.
Click here for the complete article.
This blog was written by freelancer Michael P Coleman, who still has a crush on Clair Huxtable. Follow him on Twitter.