by Michael P Coleman

Father’s Day is this weekend, so jump onto Amazon, and as Spike Lee once said, do the right thing!

Even if the card or present (I’ll save you some time: we prefer the latter) is late, the father or father figure in your life will still love and appreciate that you thought of him.

My own two daughters, Janet and Kristina, represent the absolute best two decisions I’ve ever made — not to have them, but to raise them. Both are young women now, but I always see them, before I catch myself, still in my arms. In fact, I still refer to them as “my little ones.” They always will be.

In addition to my own two, I’ve been blessed to meet a few young people over the years who I’ve taken in as my own. You see, I’ve never thought of biology as an ancillary to fatherhood. I often tell people that I’m the father of two, and Dad to a few.

Read MPC’s full column, and meet his two “sons,” Wil and Jorge.  He taught Wil how to shave, and Jorge how to get dressed! 

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Click here to connect with freelance writer Michael P Coleman, click here to check out his blog, or follow him on Instagram and Twitter:  @ColemanMichaelP


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