Thursday, 10 October 2013

Brett Abrams : 516-841-1105 :

TONIGHT:  Candlelight Vigil at State Capitol Urges Gov. Brown to Sign the LIFE Act, Enacting Common Sense Gun Safety Reforms in California

SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA — On Thursday, October 10th at 6:30pm PT, activists and concerned citizens from around California will gather for a candlelight vigil urging Gov. Jerry Brown to sign the LIFE (Lifesaving Intelligent Firearms Enforcement) Act and expand common sense gun safety measures statewide.  At the vigil, activists from, joined by PICO, Physicians for Social Responsibility, California Federation of Teachers, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Alliance for
Justice, California Church Impact, Cleveland School Remembers, the Brady Campaign and other concerned Californians will read the names of the 1136 Californians’ that have died since the Newtown School Shooting to remind Gov. Brown how much California needs this set of legislation.

WHAT:  Candlelight Vigil Urging Gov. Brown to Sign the LIFE Act

WHO: Concerned Californians and activists from, joined by members of PICO, Physicians for Social Responsibility, California Federation of Teachers, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Alliance for Justice, California Church Impact, Cleveland School Remembers and the Brady Campaign.

WHEN:  Thursday, October 10th.  6:30pm PT

WHERE:  West Steps of the State Capitol. Sacramento, CA.

SPEAKERS INCLUDE:  Eddie Kurtz,; Rev. Damita Davis-Howard, PICO;  Julia Schardt, Cleveland School Remembers; Nick Wilcox, Brady Campaign.

“Over the last 20 years, California has adopted some of the strongest gun laws in the nation, and as a result, deaths from gun violence have dropped 56%,” explained Paul Song, executive chairman of “In other words, gun safety laws work. That being said, the Santa Monica College mass shooting happened on June 7 of this year, and at least 1,136 Californians have died from guns since Newtown. We must do more. California must lead where Washington has failed.”

For more information, or for interviews with, please contact Brett Abrams at 516-841-1105 or by email at is an online organizing network that empowers more than 750,000 grassroots and netroots activists to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country. As a leading multi-issue advocacy organization, Courage Campaign’s work is supported by thousands of small donations from our diverse community.


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