Founder of sits
down and has a chat with entrepreneur,
Kristin Lucas Smith
to learn more about her business, Project
L.U.C.A.S., Inc offering Spanish
classes and translation services.
are the services you offer? Project L.U.C.A.S. is a company that offers Spanish classes for schools, businesses, hospitals, churches and private individuals, both adults and children, to remove the language barriers for the purpose of positively impacting their local communities. Additional goals of services offered by Project L.U.C.A.S. include the offering second language skills to the students seeking professional or personal improvement.
Who are the majority of your clients? At this time, we are focusing on empowering children through home schooling groups and private clients from both public and private schools. By teaching school-aged children (and some younger children) the hope is to address the future need of this population and the community with an increased population fluent in the Spanish language.
Tell us about the needs you see your clients wanting and how you are able
to meet their particular needs: Project L.U.C.A.S. meets the needs by providing a simple way to learn a new language and particularly for parents who want their children to be bilingual before graduating high school.
There is a new generation that understands the importance of knowing Spanish and they are willing to immerse themselves in the language. I not only teach them the fundamentals but I prepare them with cultural sensitivity classes and expose them to the Hispanic world today. It is not about just learning a new language but giving a sense of purpose for bilingual students to make a difference in their communities. I call it being a triple threat to society by learning how to read, write and speak the Spanish
Also by applying it to their desired careers such as future doctors who will understand their Spanish speaking patients, to future lawyers who defend Spanish immigrants who can’t defend themselves because of the language barriers and to future
teachers who can build up the Hispanic student who feels like an outcast due to their language barrier.
are some of the challenges you are
facing as an entrepreneur? As an entrepreneur my challenge is believing that I can make an impact in my community through my business. The way I deal with the challenge is by stepping in on faith and trusting in myself to believe in me, and the new found passion to decrease communication barriers in homes, schools, medical centers, local businesses and the legal field.
3 words that best describe you as a business
owner: Community-Minded
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now in your business?
In ten years, I see my business impacting Northern California in a huge way. I see being a well-known provider of language resources to a future generation and community of people.
I plan to continue with a non-profit organization that builds up the Hispanic community by not only teaching English but also equipping people to be productive citizens by providing one-on-one support that can fulfill dreams for current and future generations. I plan to have Project LUCAS Language Centers opened up in each city within the Central Valley serving adults, children, medical providers, educators, local businesses and government employees as a way to learn Spanish or English in order and see the American culture mesh as One vision, One purpose and One people to make our to unite our local communities.
Tell us what potential clients could expect to receive from your business:
One-on-one attention and a plan that fits their personal language goals. The Spanish program that is offered will not only teach them a new language but will also build-up their confidence to make an impact in their community. Learning a new language requires a language coach and Project LUCAS here to guide and assist clients so they can be successful in the game of language.
What makes you stand out from your
competitors? We understand the desire and passion that lies within people to make a difference and we believe that learning a new language empowers them to choose to make an impact.
Project L.U.C.A.S. is not just a company that teaches a language, it is a connector to an unknown Hispanic group that walks around us everyday trying to navigate through everyday life in the community including doctor visits, tax preparation, banking errands and teacher-conference communication. Project L.U.C.A.S. brings hope that ALL people matter.