Contributed by Faye Kennedy

Concerned African American community members are requesting your support and participation in engaging Sacramento’s elected officials around the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the African American community.

COVID-19  issues impacting our communities range from the loss of employment/income, inadequate access to available testing, and a lack of effective community education regarding the virus and potential resources. It’s urgent that we push for the resources our community deserves. You can join in the effort to advocate for OUR community.

Please review the letter here and below and if you agree with the letter and would like to support this effort, simply fill out the form to add your name and send an email to the region’s leaders and then share it with your friends and followers on social media.

The call to action letter has been placed here (  Please READ the letter, add your signature information and it will automatically send the email to every city and county elected official and executive when you click “sign now”. Share with your colleagues and networks.


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