Celebration Arts proudly presents William Shakespeare’s MACBETH adapted and directed by Khimberly Marshall featuring an All African-American Cast for the first time in Sacramento history!
OCT 17th – NOV 3rd
Celebration Arts
2727 B St. , Sacramento, CA. 95816
MACBETH, a darkly poetic tragedy, is a tale of an African General spurred by prophesy and consumed by ambition who embarks on an increasingly bloody campaign to hold onto power.
Brave MacBeth receives a prophecy from a trio of Ancestors that one day he will become King. MacBeth, and his wife, Lady MacBeth, murder the current King to takes the throne. Thou wracked with guilt and paranoia, MacBeth is forced to commit more and more murders to protect himself from enmity and suspicion. The bloodbath and consequent civil war swiftly take us into the realms of madness and murder.
After an immensely successful sold out series of staged readings, Celebration Arts proudly adds MacBeth to its 2019-2020 season. Featuring an All African-American Cast for the first time in Sacramento history.
MACBETH will be the first Shakespeare play presented at Celebration Arts and we are very excited to add the Bard to our legacy.
This adaptation, developed by Khimberly Marshall, reflects a future Africa while honoring our past, recognizing the western culture of our present, and the possibilities of our future.
While utilizing non-traditional casting methods, we are building the narrative around African traditions. You may find hints of spoken word, African drum, call and response, college step performance and a touch of gospel.
This production is the beginning of a larger 5 year project, The MacBeth Project. Each year, The MacBeth Project is partnering with 3 different arts organizations to co-build and produce a truly unique and vastly different experience each of the 5 year.
Thanks to our community partners, Celebration Arts, Ma Series Arts, Sojourner Truth Museum, Roberts Family Development Center (RFDC), Northern California Film Coalition (NCFC) and 10500flz.
The production features Maurice NGakane as MACBETH and Carla Fleming as LADY MACBETH with an amazing ensemble cast including: Artist Gerry “GOS” Simpson, Gina Claytor, BJ Nash, KT Masala, Cline Moore, Wayne Cook, Dannyelle Finch, Preston Collier, Richie Lucero-Mattis Jr., Patrice Burnett, Larry Roberson, Joshua Johnson and is Directed by Khimberly Marshall with Asst. Director, KT Masala.
See preview clips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCXMyXoi36Q&t=4s
Join our FB events page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2311027102277922/
Support us: https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-macbeth-project