by Contributing Writer, Donna Michele Ramos
The National Action Network (NAN) is 30 years old. NAN’s platform has a major focus on civil rights, youth leadership and criminal justice reform. NAN was founded by Reverend Al Sharpton, President. We interviewed Pastor Tecoy Porter, Sr., President of the Sacramento Chapter to learn more about NAN’s upcoming event in Sacramento.
THE HUB: How did you become involved with the National Action Network?
Porter: The Stephon Clark shooting occurred at his grandma’s house, which is only half a mile away from my church in South Sacramento. Genesis Church had several events in regard to the Clark family. The NAACP called me and asked me to be involved in his funeral service where I met Reverend Al Sharpton who did the eulogy. Pastor Charley Hames is the former head of the Oakland NAACP and BeBee Memorial Cathedral. I asked if they needed help and he said to hold on and that’s when I got the call to find the Sacramento Chapter of the NAACP and be involved. My Vice President is Pastor Scarborough of BOSS Church.
THE HUB: What’s the purpose of the upcoming National Action Network Western Regional Conference?
Porter: There are over 105 chapters in the nation. Several are in California: Sacramento, Los Angeles, Watts, Oakland, San Diego, Arizona and Nevada. This is the first convening of chapters in the western hemisphere. The main location of the conference will be located at Genesis Church. There will be a kick-off rally at the California State Capitol. On the education track is Margaret Fortune, President/CEO of Fortune Schools. We’re convening the top Black educators in California and they will be part of the conference regarding closing the academic achievement gap. There will be a tour of the Fortune School on Stockton Blvd. We are making positive moves in regard to education. This school has come in as a top math school for African Americans. There will be a banquet dinner honoring educational champions. Assemblymember Dr. Shirley Weber has done a lot for AB 392 legislation signed this year. She was part of the coalition to help get it signed into law by Governor Newsom. Assemblymember Weber was also instrumental in getting a multi-million dollars block grant for all public charter schools to help African Americans close the achievement gap. She’s a champion for Africa Americans and all people. We find lots of our work is for advocacy because we’re in the capital of California.
THE HUB: Why is it urgent for everyone to attend, especially youth and millennials?
Porter: We’re heading into a voting year so we need to heavily emphasize the urgency to come out to vote for all levels of government, not just the president. Voting is power. We’re doing Rock the Vote concert at BOSS Church on February 7, 2020 to close out the last session of the conference. Kida the Great from World of Dance will perform. It will be hosted by Dominique and Ashley Sharpton. It’s important for our millennials to get involved in the political process. It’s one thing to march but you also need to be exposed and shown the process. You have to connect them to the right people so their voices are heard.
THE HUB: What will the conference focus on?
Porter: This is the first full blown conference for the western chapters. The attendees are from New York headquarters, including Reverend Sharpton, staff and representatives from New York. We are hoping to draw presidential candidates to our Ministers Luncheon and Gala Banquet. Some of the subjects that will be covered will be the 2020 Census, voting rights, and bringing wealth back to our community.
The conference will be held at Genesis Church, 2801 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832. It will be held February 5 – February 7, 2020, registration is free. There are tickets on sale for the luncheon and gala banquet.
For more information go to the website:
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Contributing Writer, Donna Michele Ramos