Political Playback: California Capitol News You Might Have Missed
Bo Tefu | California Black Media
According to SB 94, only individuals convicted under “specialcircumstance murder” would be eligible to petition for a new sentence. The proposed law would not apply to individuals that committed murder in an egregious manner such as torture, poison, lying in wait, rape by instrument, mayhem, and other offenses, according to Cortese.
Republican Senators released an extensive analysis of the billoutlining how it undermines public safety and arguing that the early release of violent criminals is “an affront to victims, their families and people concerned about crime rates statewide.”
“Now, radical Democrat politicians want to bring these violentoffenders back into our communities. Releasing heinous murderers after promising justice to the victims’ families is not just disrespectful, it’s dangerous,” he said.
Pushing back on the criticisms from across the aisle, Cortese putout on statement stating that Republicans are spreading misinformation about the bill. Cortese reiterated that the bill would not release people from prison, rather it would send people to judicial court, State Parole Board, and the Governor.
“At each level, public safety is paramount, by utilizing the four-tiered process we are ensuring that only those who have rehabilitated pursuant to a Judicial Court, the Parole Board, and our Governor have the potential to be released. All three must agree. Only those having already served a minimum of 25 years may request a hearing,” said Cortese.
Gov. Gavin Newsom, California lawmakers and somenewspaper publishers last week finalized a $172 million deal with tech giant Google to support local news outlets and artificial intelligence innovation.
This deal, the first of its kind in the nation, aims to invest inlocal journalism statewide over the next five years. However, the initiative is different from a bill proposed by two legislators, news publishers and media employee unions requiring tech giants Google and Meta to split a percentage of ad revenue generated from news stories with publishers and media outlets. Under this new deal, Google will commit $55 million over five years into a new fund administered by the University of California, Berkeley to distribute to local newsrooms. In this partnership, the State is expected to provide $70 over five years toward this initiative. Google also has to pay a lump sum of $10 million annually toward existing grant programs that fund local newsrooms.
The State Legislature and the governor will have to approve thestate funds each year. Google has agreed to invest an additional $12.5 million each year in an artificial intelligence program. However, labor advocates are concerned about the threat of job losses as a result of AI being used in newsrooms.
Regina Brown Wilson, Executive Director of California BlackMedia, said the deal is a commendable first step that beats the alternative: litigation, legislation or Google walking from the deal altogether or getting nothing.
“This kind of public-private partnership is unprecedented.California is leading the way by investing in protecting the press and sustaining quality journalism in our state,” said Brown Wilson. “This fund will help news outlets adapt to a changing landscape and provide some relief. This is especially true for ethnic and community media journalists who have strong connections to their communities.”
At DNC,Mayor Karen Bass Talks About V.P. Harris’s “Commitment to Children”
On the opening night of the Democratic National Convention onAug. 19 in Chicago, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass commended Vice President Kamala Harris, describing her as a role model who fights to protect children.
Both Democrats made history in their current leadership roleswhen Harris became the first female vice president of the United States and Bass bthe first woman mayor of L.A. in 2022. Harris swore Bass into that role, an act both women agree sent a powerful message to young girls that they too can become leaders.
Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Kamala Harris: GovernFrom the Center
Democratic House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-11)urged Vice President Kamala Harris to govern “from the center,” stating that the presidential nominee will take the party to new heights.
Pelosi stated that although what works in Michigan may notwork in San Francisco, winning should remain everyone’s focus.
Similar to Harris, Pelosi was the first woman to serve in her roleas House Speaker, ascending to the highest-ranking female politician in the country before Harris becoming the first female Vice President.
“You have to be able to take a punch, you have to be able tothrow a punch … for the children,” Pelosi said in support of Harris becoming the first woman vice president and working her way to making history for the second time as the Democrats presidential nominee.
“I wanted very much to protect his legacy,” Pelosi saidregarding Biden’s decision to step down as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.
Members of California’s Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) lastweek rallied against Proposition 36 in Sacramento on Aug. 20, arguing that, if approved, the proposal would disproportionally impact Black and Brown communities statewide.
Prop 36 aims to increase penalties for retail theft, upgradingcharges for some criminal offenses from misdemeanors to felonies. Black caucus members who have been vocal in their opposition of the legislation include Assemblymembers Mia Bonta (D-Alameda), Isaac Bryan (D Ladera Heights), Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles), and Tina McKinnor (D-Inglewood).
He condemned the law stating that “every dollar we spendcriminalizing poverty is a dollar we could’ve better spent ending it.”
Gov. Gavin Newsom criticized the ballot measure, stating thatProp 36 would be costly for the state and potentially lead to the overcrowding of state prisons.
The State Legislature tried to pass a new law in response to a2022 United States Supreme Court ruling that blocked states’ limits on carrying concealed weapons. The ruling stated that government restrictions related to gun laws must be “consistent with this nation’s historical tradition of firearms regulation,” referencing laws that date back to the formative years of the nation.
As a response, California enacted a law that banned carryingguns in schools, parks, libraries, and other “sensitive places.” However, the courts also blocked this restriction and set new requirements for licenses to possess firearms in public. Another restriction to ban out-of-state residents from applying for concealed-carry licenses was recently blocked by a federal judge. The judge argued that the restriction failed to meet the Supreme Court’s historical test.
However, gun advocates, such as the Second AmendmentFoundation, support the court’s ruling. The organization partnered with similar groups including the Gun Owners of America and the California Rifle & Pistol Association to challenge state laws and restrictions on gun ownership.
Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of theSecond Amendment Foundation said, “Americans do not leave their Second Amendment right to bear arms at the California border.”
Although Bcould appeal the court ruling, the state is yet to respond to the federal judge’s decision. Lawmakers supporting gun restrictions continue to back his in efforts to bolster public safety.
Newsom cited concerns regarding local control and highimplementation costs.
State Sen. Lena Gonzalez (D-Long Beach) authored Senate Bill(SB) 674, legislation that required real-time air monitoring of nearby petroleum refineries to keep track of sites producing biofuel and other pollutants. The bill would have required communities close to refineries such as Chevron Refinery in Richmond, to get notifications when pollutants were dangerously high, requiring local governments and state agencies to address the poor conditions.
Newsom stated that although the bill had good intentions, thestate had no funding to reimburse the refineries for implementing the required systems. The proposed bill obligated refineries to cover the costs of implementing the air monitoring systems, paying various fees over multiple years. However, State officials were unable to secure funding that could help expand programs that monitor air quality in all the refineries.
According to SB 674, a report by the American Lung, Association indicated that all 19 refineries in California are located in counties that received failing grades for particulate matter pollution. Environmental groups argued that communities are being deprived of data and information that could help them take proper and timely precautions as well as protect their families from pollution caused by the refineries.