
The Sacramento Police Department (SPD) has partnered with BAIR Analytics to provide a user-friendly free online crime mapping service for the community.

The crime map system, RAIDS Online, is a strong visualization tool which allows users to see the locations of crimes near their home, workplace or school, as well as other places in the city.

This program enables the public to stay informed about crime activity while they are away from their computer and allows users to see crime activity based on their current GPS location.

RAIDS Online empowers citizens to better understand crime trends and lower crime in their neighborhoods. This program makes it even easier to access information provided by the Sacramento Police Department.

This is part of a larger system implemented by the Sacramento Police Department to fight crime and improve communication with the public. Sacramento received predictive analytics software for law enforcement officers and analysts to help the department analyze and forecast crime and proactively allocate resources to improve public safety.

RAIDS Online is available on the Sacramento Police Department webpage at www.sacpd.org.

Register for crime alert emails by going to www.raidsonline.com then clicking the “Sign Up For Crime Alerts” button. The new crime map is available from any internet-enabled computer.

RAIDS Online Mobile is available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

For more information visit www.bairanalytics.com/sacramento or view Sacramento’s new crime map by clicking here.


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