EWOC-Exceptional women of Color

EWOC-Exceptional women of Color

This event is made possible through collaborative efforts that include those mentioned as well as the team of diligentstaff and volunteers of Sacculturalhub.com and THE HUB Magazine.

If you are interested in sponsorship or vendor opportunities, please contact us:


Twlia Laster, Strategic Marketing Director
(916) 662-3502 or twlia@sacculturalhub.com

Lesley Leatherwood, Community Advertising Manager

(916) 838-9267 or lesley@sacculturalhub.com

The Sac Cultural Hub Media Foundation is excited to present the 5th Year Anniversary Celebration of the EWOC Conference on Saturday, October 5, 2013 in partnership with UC Davis Office of Campus Community Relations. Contact (916) 234-3589 if would like more information on sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities.

2013 Corporate Sponsors


2013 Community Partners

Advisory Committee Members

2013 Exhibitors

A Berry Special Event
KDallu Luxury Stemware
www.facebook.com/KDallu – Korey Jenkins
Ardyss International
Leatherwood Marketing
Alexandrias Formals
My Loveable Legs
Ascension Praise Dance
Office of the Patient Advocate – Department of Managed Health Care
B.A.G.H.D.A.D. Yoga
Ramos Barrington Entertainment
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Roc’N Locs
The Rosetta Center for Counseling & Wellness, Inc.
Cares Community Health
SOL – Saving Our Legacy Project
C’est La Couture
Sac Cultural Hub
Child Abuse Prevention Center
Sacramento Black Nurses Association
Carries TOUCH, Inc.
Schools Financial Credit Union
C.L.A.S.S.Y-Captivating Ladies Acquiring Successful Standards
Scranton Law Firm
Coach Kerri
T.E.A. Consulting
Constant Contact
Textile Designs by Jan Hollins Fine Arts Unlimited by Lawrence Sullivan
(916) 613-7401
Crave The Spotlight
Traci Lynn Fashion Jewelry
Culture Collection
The Urban Advocates
Different Glimpse
US Air Force
DIVA Swap Fashions
US Davis Extension
Encore Entertainment
University of the Pacific
Fortune School of Education
Glorious Jewelz
(916) 768-8574
Wells Fargo Bank
HealthNet of California
Where Angels Tread
KDallu Luxury Stemware
www.facebook.com/KDallu – Korey Jenkins
William Jessup University
Komaza Hair Care
World Financial Group
Trans-America Translation Services
Martha Ortiz