2nd Annual Game Changers and Bridge Builders Awards
BEC Game Changers in Oakland
FREE Registrations – Tuesday, October 16 in Oakland
The 2nd Annual Game Changers & Bridge Builders Awards Ceremony will be held Tuesday, October 16, from 10 am – 2 pm at the Oakland Marriott City Center in Oakland. Register at becawards2012.eventbrite.com.
The Black Economic Council (BEC) will introduce “Game Changing” Technologies made in the USA that will take the clean and renewable markets to the next level demonstrating how we can bring manufacturing back to the US leveraging proven systems that exponentially increase output.
Confirmed keynote speaker the Dynamic California Public Utilities Commissioner Timothy Alan Simon – appointed to the California Public Utilities Commission by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on February 15, 2007. As a former securities and banking industry attorney involved in financial products and services, Commissioner Simon firmly supports investment in California’s utility infrastructure as being critical to California’s economic future, and encourages a balanced public policy in areas of utility regulation. He actively promotes and encourages diversity in utility procurement, educational opportunities, and the workplace.
We invite our California leadership to explore how we can rebuild our economy leveraging leading edge manufacturing processes proven in the following technologies that we want to bring to YOUR city.