3rd Annual Sacramento Community Book Discussion

Half The Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity For Women Worldwide

3rd Annual Sacramento Community Book Discussion – Tuesday, October 29

Half The Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity For Women Worldwide

3rd Annual Sacramento Community Book Discussion, “Half the Sky” Review – Shape Our Campus, Shape Our Community at Underground Books, 2814 34th Street on Tues-10/29 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Panel discussion of guest speakers and local residents will share views on the book, “Half The Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity For Women Worldwide” by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists, Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.” This event is open to the public and there is no cost to attend.

RSVP now at:  http://2013sacbookdiscussion.eventbrite.com.

Presented in partnership by UC Davis Office of Campus Community Relations and Sac Cultural Hub Media Foundation. For questions contact (916) 234-3589 or e-mail contact@sacculturalhub.com. To learn more about the UC Davis Campus Community Book Project go to: http://occr.ucdavis.edu/ccbp2013/index.html


We encourage residents of the community as well visitors to come out and engage in this important and needed discussion that will include:

Moderator: Pastor Juanita Mason of Antelope Upper Room Ministries

Guest panel speakers:

For those who RSVP, your information will be added to our Raffle Drawing (must be present at the Discussion Forum on 10/29 to win) in order to win raffle prizes to be announced at the Discussion Forum on 10/29. Refreshments will be available.  RSVP now at:  http://2013sacbookdiscussion.eventbrite.com

Founder of Sacculturalhub.com, Pleshette Robertson, states: “I am currently reading the book, “Half The Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide” and I find myself wondering how could this be right here in the United States, in China, India (and other countries) that there are literally hundreds of thousands of young innocent girls (for centuries) trapped in horrific brothels undergoing unfathomable and intentional pain of brutal violence and sex enslavement. And, even if these girls are somehow rescued, the hard part is hoping that you can help them not falter back into prostitution/human sex trafficking due to drug addiction and the need to make money to support their families.”  If you have not read the book, it is worth going out to the bookstore or ordering online today to begin learning about the oppression of women around the globe and the ongoing fight to end global poverty with an emphasis on educating and introducing girls/women to opportunities so they can escape the life of prostitution and human sex trafficking.

See video clip from last year’s 2012 community book discussion about “A Conversation on the Migration and Prosperity of African-Americans in Sacramento” based on the book review of The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Greatest Migration by Isabel Wilkerson.


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