The 2009 theme, “Plugging Into Technology For Small Business Success” will provide cutting edge solutions to technology applications, which will help take your business to new levels.
Since its inception in 1998, the California Black Chamber Foundation has taken the lead in reshaping African American economics in the state of California . Our mission: to increase African American and other minority owned businesses in both the private and public sector.
The 2009 Ron Brown Business & Economic Summit & Youth Scholarship Awards presents a unique opportunity for small business owners to connect with decision makers in both the Public & Private sector. Learn to apply technology to improve your bottom line and find funding for start-up green initiatives, which will help shape, a greener world.
CBCC affiliate members registration is $ 175, non-member registration is $300. This includes all meals, workshops, plenary sessions, networking receptions and the Ron Brown Memorial Dinner Gala featuring the world renowned “MANHATTANS.” Individual days may be purchased as well.
The Procurement Fair is an opportunity for corporate and state agencies to connect to talk about business. During the Procurement Fair, small business owners will have a face-to-face meeting with decision makers regarding contracting opportunities. The CBCC has built solid business relationships with the Department of20General Services, Utilities and Cal Trans. If you are looking to expand your business—you need to be at the Procurement Fair!
We believe that all minority business owners should attend this event and we are sensitive to these tough economic times. The price for the summit is affordable and every business owner should make it a priority to be there. “You can’t do business if you’re not where business is being done.” We simply want to educate and empower people”, said Aubry Stone.
Any person or organization that is interested in supporting or learning more about the activities of the California Black Chamber of Commerce & Chamber Foundation are encouraged to call: (916) 463-0177. Or go to the Chamber Foundation’s community based radio station -97.7fm KDEE-lp