Elect Michael Blair for Democratic Central Committee on March 3rd
Our vote has been taken for granted for too long. Local African American Leaders have stepped up to run for the Sacramento County Democratic Central Committee form the Community Champion slate. The goal is to increase Black representation on the committee so that our issues are heard and our elected officials are held accountable to US… the people! Mr. Michael Blair has served our community for many years on grass roots levels as well as fighting for County and State-wide issues that affect undeserved communities. Michael will be the voice for the voiceless to focus on Inclusive Economic Development, Community Empowerment and Leadership Transparency.
We need the ENTIRE CITY to stand with US so WE can stand for YOU!
What is the Sacramento County Central District Committee: Think about it like this… you’ve heard of the Democratic National Party (National level), this Committee would be a local chapter for Sacramento working with elected officials and policy specifically for our area.
Please don’t forget to VOTE on or before March 3rd!
Click here to connect with Mr. Michael Blair
To learn more about the Democratic Party of Sacramento County go to: http://www.sacdems.org/