FREE Business Empowerment Summit & Voter Registration Rally
Sac Hub’s Exclusive e-Blast ad 10.16.08
Make Your Connection to The Corporate Community!
Attend a FREE Business Summit on Saturday, October 18th at The State Capitol!
 Sacramento NAACP, Sacramento Black Chamber of Commerce and
First Fridays Sacramento invite you to attend a
This Saturday, October 18
at the California State Capitol
Business Summit (at 10 am) and Voter Rally (at 12 noon)
Please forward this email and tell everyone you know!Â
Economic Development/Business Summit
A.M. Sessions begin at 10 am on 10/18
Strategies & Solutions for Business Owners
Presented by: First Fridays & Sacramento Black Chamber of CommerceÂ
Join us October 18th from 10 am ’til 1 pm at the State Capitol for “Leveling the Playing Field 3 – Empowerment 2008 and Beyond”
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with the Sacramento business community for valuable contracting opportunities
Meet representatives from SMUD, UC Davis, City of Sacramento and othersÂ
Learn about energy efficiency programs promoting small business sustainability: Green Business Certification and energy efficiency programs for small businesses
Informative panel discussions
Business solutions for the current economy
Attend the networking luncheon immediately following the business session
Exhibitors (see information below)
FREE admission
Limited space available for small business sessions! Please e-mail
Meet Us at . . . The State Capital to Rock the Vote
Voter Rally, Voter Rights & Information
 12 Noon on the South Steps of the State Capital
on 10/18
Sacramento Branch of the NAACP, Sacramento Black Chamber of Commerce and First Fridays invite you to attend a Community Empowerment Event and Voter Rally, Saturday, October 18th at The State Capital. Business Owners & aspiring entrepreneurs are invited to attend a FREE business summit at 10 am, inside the Capital. RSVP at to attend the FREE business summit.
Get ready to ROCK THE VOTE at noon, on the State Capital – south steps! Here’s how it’s going down:
Register to vote and/or update your voter profile at this event – October 18th is the last Saturday before the voter registration deadline!
Exhilaratingguest speakers, stimulating panel discussions and community leaders!
Meet the candidates!
Enjoy exciting entertainment!
Green Community, energy savings & more!
FREE treats and prizes while they last!Â
Job & education information!
Kids activities!
FREE Event!Â
Exhibitor Opportunities for October 18th Event
Pavilion Exhibitor 10 x 10 tented space: $250 (Special Rate for First Fridays email list recipients)
Ask about our Discounted Anniversary E-blast Ad Campaign – Call (916) 470-2337 or e-mail