Sac Hub: How did you get selected to speak at the Women of Faith conference? Erica: I will be there to worship. Our manager, Holly was the originator for this. Sac Hub: Can you tell us your definition of a Woman of Faith? Erica: She is a woman that firmly believes and stands on God’s promise. She never looses her faith. Sac Hub: Erica can you give us 3 words that best describe you? Erica: Laid back, Nice, Not Fussy Sac Hub: Tell us a little bit about your background and how you chose your singing career? Erica: My singing background came from my parents, my father was a choir director, (an army style choir director), my mother played the piano. All I did was sing, in school when other kids were giving speeches, “I was singing”. In high school and in college I studied music. Sac Hub: What is your favorite song of all time? Erica: It’s hard to pick any one song. I love Andre Crouch. There’s a song by Olita, called, “Still My Child”. This song has a very personal place in my heart that I share with a very dear friend of mine. Sac Hub: What is your favorite Grammy performance of all time? Erica: Well, I haven’t seen a whole lot yet. I liked Vintage. I might get in trouble for this, but hey, speak the truth, Prince and Beyonce’ they were great. Sac Hub: Of all your CD’s which is your favorite? Erica: I’d have to say the first one and our last one (our current one). Sac Hub: What do you like least about being famous? Erica: I’d have to say sometimes it’s the scheduling and being away from your family. But mostly it’s when you know in your heart you have good intentions in your actions and decisions and you are misunderstood. We all have are misgivings. I am not perfect. We must always remember first and foremost God is everything to all. Sac Hub: Do you think the Internet has altered the way musicians can get known? Erica: Most definitely! These days you don’t even have to have a record label at all. It is a system you have to get use to. Sac Hub: What advice would you give to young musicians looking to get into the music industry? Erica: Make sure you comb over your life first, no what you are being called for and don’t get caught off guard and let others influence you and try and guide you down a different path. Stay true to yourself. Remember who you are and whose you are! Sac Hub: What makes a song a hit? Erica: Words can’t even explain it. I’d have to say honesty, originality; you just feel it in your heart. Sac Hub: What slogan do you live by? Erica: I have two favorite quotes. One by CeCe Winans – “Learn to say no”! And the other by my Mother- “Have mercy on folks”! Sac Hub: Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? Erica: I see myself still singing,that is my passion! I want to have 2 more children. I plan on growing the clothing line. And we as Mary Mary plan to hopefully change the mainstream on how people receive our music without compromise. To learn more about Mary Mary and |