Great American Smokeout LIVE and VIRTUAL Music Concert
Gather your family and friends for an evening of LIVE musical entertainment featuring Jeremy Crooks for the 2020 Great American Smokeout. This day of quitting smoking was started by the American Cancer Society (ACS) and is held the 3rd Thursday of November.
According to the ACS, quitting smoking isn’t easy. It takes time and a plan. You don’t have to stop smoking in one day. Start with day one.
The SOL Project (Saving Our Legacy, African Americans for Smoke-free Safe Places) and Stanislaus County Tobacco-Control Outreach and Prevention Services (TOPS)Services (TOPS) is hosting this FREE virtual event. SOL advocates for healthy, smoke-free communities for African Americans and other populations who suffer disproportionately as a result of social conditions and tobacco use. The mission of the TOPS is to lead the community in the development and promotion of tobacco control outreach and prevention services.
If you or someone you know smokes or vapes and is thinking about quitting, please share!
Don’t smoke? No problem! This event is for everyone and talent is the focus!
Jeremy Crooks is a singer, song-writer and performer from Sacramento, CA. He has been avidly creating a soulful sound from an early age. Jeremy draws influence from Michael Jackson, Babyface, Jackie Wilson, Marvin Gaye and Prince. His craft is centered on making music that grasps your thoughts and makes you dance! –
Also joining us, Saba and Dominique, winners of SOL’s youth artistic expression contest, with their spoken word.
Dr. Karen Beard, Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist, will give us quit smoking tips for smokers and how to help your loved ones.
Tell your family and friends and please join us!
To sign up, scan QR code on the flyer or go to