Help for Homeowners – Special Event for OCWEN Customers
Help for Homeowners – Special Event for OCWEN Customers. COME TO OUR FREE EVENT. One day only!
Struggling to make your Ocwen mortgage payments? So are many others just like you. NID and the NAACP want to help!
October 8th, 2016, 8 AM – 2 PM, 2863 – 35th Street,Sacramento CA 95817 (Across from the Guild Theater)
Join us and get free help from NID, a HUD-approving housing counseling agency who’s on your side.
Speak one on one with an Ocwen home retention specialist.
Find a way to make your mortgage affordable.
Free parking, walk-ins welcome. Free snacks and beverages provided.
GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR VISIT. Call Ocwen using our direct-access number for this event: 855-459-2514
We will help you gather everything you need to finish your application at the event. Documents to bring:
1. 2 most recent pay stubs/profit and loss statement/bonus or commission records
2. 2 most recent bank statements
3. Most recent tax return
4. Latest utility bill
5. List of your current expenses (even better, a budget or copies of your bills)
6. Documents related to other mortgages, HOA dues, property taxes, homeowners insurance