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"Help These Babies In Need" - need your support & resources - Sac Cultural Hub
“Help These Babies In Need” – need your support & resources
Help These Babies In Need
While driving home as a passenger with my family in the car on Friday morning (day after Thanksgiving) from Morgan Hill back to Sacramento, I was on Facebook and saw this post from Constant Carter who took note of a family walking down March Lane in the FREEZING COLD weather in Stockton, California when she was leaving Starbucks on her way to the gym. I would just like to commend Constance on her SWIFT ACTION to immediately talk with and connect with this family in need of shelter – a family of 6 with 4 small children. I could not believe the story she shared with us on Facebook and my HEART just sank with grief. I immediately wanted to help in the fastest and best way as possible as I my sistah girlfriend Constance cannot stand alone in helping this family – she needs the assistance of the community. And within hours the community with several friends of Constance and others on Facebook came forward (and who are still stepping forward) with lots and lots of cash donations, clothing, and all the likes of what this family needed immediately.
A GoFundme page, https://www.gofundme.com/yhcbr72c, has been created to provide additional assistance for this family. I am hoping that someone out there who is a landlord or manager of a low-income housing complex or supervisor/manager in Section 8 Housing can step forward to offer some type of assistance with immediate housing assistance that would lead to permanent housing for this family.
I would also hope that one of the radio stations and news channels, KCRA 3, Fox 40, CBS, would take note of this news story to highlight as there has been so much negativity on the news lately we need to have some positive spotlight on the GOOD, KIND-HEARTED deeds our local community members are stepping out of their comfort zone to take care of and see about the welfare of others. With so much crazy holiday shopping and other crazy acts of violence taking place all over the world, it’s so nice to know that we have individuals out there actually DOING simple things to make an immediate difference in the precious life and livelihood of someone else and their family.