Indivizible Speakers Series Welcomes
Ambassador Andrew Jackson Young
Wednesday, March 25th
The Guild Theater
2828 35th Street, Sacramento CA 95817
We are excited to welcome Ambassador Andrew Jackson Young a politician, diplomat and activist. Ambassador Young was a member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the 1960s Civil Rights Movement, and was a supporter and friend of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Don’t miss these employment opportunities
and the Annual Youth Job Fair
Macy’s will be opening their distribution center in South Sacramento at the old Cambell’s Soup Plant on Franklin Boulevard. They plan to hire 175 new employees. Apply online at:
KeHe distributors will be opening in Stockton and plans to hire 200 people. Apply online at
The City of Sacramento invites you to review their list of open positions
Youth Job Fair – Saturday, March 21st The Sacramento Department of Parks and Recreation, Neighborhood Services Division in partnership with the Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA), is hosting the annual Youth Job and Resource Fair for youth and young adults ages 16-24.
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