Looking for LOCAL TALENT to perform at upcoming BLOCK PARTY EVENTS in Sacramento


  • Sunday, Jan. 24 from 6 pm – 9 pm at Sol Collective, 2574 21st St., Sacramento
  • Saturday, Jan. 30 from 7 pm-10 pm at the Roberts Family Development Center, 766 Darina Ave., Sacramento
  • Saturday, Feb. 6 from 11 am-2 pm at Sojourner Truth Art Museum, 2251 Florin Rd., #126, Sacramento

The Block by Block team is looking for artists, musicians, dancers, poets, writers, or anyone who wants to express themselves through the arts at the upcoming Block Parties in Sacramento City Council Districts 2, 5, and 8, which will take place in the spring and summer of 2016.
Since the Block Parties are neighborhood based, talent and vendors who live in our three districts; North Sacramento, Oak Park & surrounding neighborhoods, and South Sacramento areas will receive priority.  

Advanced registration is requested at: crockerblockbyblock.org 

For more info go to: e-mail blockbyblock@crockerartmuseum.org or call 916-808-1059 
