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National HIV Testing Day - KNOW YOUR STATUS! - Sac Cultural Hub
June 27th is National HIV Testing Day….Start the Night out Right
CARES, The Center for AIDS Research, Education and Services in Sacramento, California celebrated its 20 Year Anniversary this month. That means that it has been more than 20 years that this disease has been in existence and still there is no cure. It also means that we have to take responsibility to protect ourselves and get tested, know our individual status and know the status and history of everyone and anyone that we are intimate with.
Societally, we have been taught to put the man’s pleasure and comfort above our own. Very few of us have ever learned how to negotiate our terms in the bedroom. We haven’t a clue about how to even begin the conversation let alone insist that a man use a condom. Even if we do get up enough nerve to suggest it, we will back down if we sense even the slightest resistance in his tone or face.
Back in our mother’s day, if a man was sexually unfaithful, it was just accepted as “a man’s way.” Their only concern was pregnancy or him infecting her with a treatable sexually transmitted disease. We can’t live like this anymore, the tide has changed. What you don’t know about your partner will kill you. Isn’t your life worth more than 10-20 minutes worth of pleasure?
The only way to prevent and totally eradicate this disease is to know your status and if you are HIV negative and sexually active, assume everyone else is positive and ALWAYS USE PROTECTION.
If you find that you’re HIV positive, get into treatment immediately. Being HIV positive no longer is the death sentence it once was. Through proper treatment and medication, it will not turn into AIDS and you will live and not die.
June 27th, 2009 is National HIV Testing Day. GET TESTED!!! KNOW YOUR STATUS!!! KNOW YOUR PARTNERS STATUS!!! It’s that simple.
CARES will be testing 10 am to 7 pm on National HIV Testing Day
Saturday, June 27th, 2009
Free Rapid no-blood or needles testing is available Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm at the….
CARES Clinic located at: 1500 21st Street, Sacramento, CA 95811 Visit the website at www.caresclinic.org or call 916.914.6325
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