October FIRST FRIDAYS Business Mixer
Join us for October FIRST FRIDAYS Business Mixer taking place on Fri-October 1st from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Rock & Brews Restaurant, 1600 Exposition Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95815. Enjoy the LIVE JAZZ BAND, networking, tasty appetizers, no host bar.
Admission is $20 in advance online and $25 at the door. Limited advanced table reservations for 2 or 4 are $50-$100. Upon entry all registered attendees receive one (1) complimentary ticket for one (1) mixed drink or beer or wine, or soft drink beverage of your choice.
Book table reservations and get individual tickets online at: https://thehub-firstfridays-oct2021.eventbrite.com
We will be hosting First Fridays at a variety of venues throughout the Greater Sacramento Valley Region all year long.
Introducing our Platinum FIRST FRIDAYS Presenting Sponsor Wells Fargo. Hosted and presented in partnership by: California Black Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Sac Cultural Hub, KDEE 97.5 FM and THE HUB Magazine. Supporting HUB Impact Partners include: Highlands Community Charter, California Housing Finance Agency, City of Sacramento, Weave, The SOL Project.
Promote your business/expand your visibility and e-mail us at contact@sacculturalhub.com for more information about the benefits of your organization signing up as a HUB Impact Sponsor Partner!
Join us and support our 2021-22 Small Business Initiative at the level of an Annual HUB Patron or as one of our HUB Impact Partners.