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Rebuilding Together: Pillars of our Society Need Your Help - Sac Cultural Hub
Rebuilding Together: Pillars of our Society Need Your Help
Press Release 04.02.09
Press Release 04.02.09
Rebuilding Together: A retired minister (Oliver Davis) and a retired school teacher (Patsy Davis), pillars of our society, need your help.
Oliver and Patsy Davis need your help. They lost a reportedly $181,000 in their dealings with an unlicensed contractor. You may have read their story in the Sacramento Bee: http://www.sacbee.com/101/story/909902.html. In May 2008, their dream home stood boarded up and nothing but bare studs inside. But today with the help of the Rebuilding Together Sacramento, Bayside Church, State of BEing, Hiline Builders, Inc., North State Building Industry Association (BIA) and the community the home is almost complete. However, time is running out for the Davis ‘s. The home that they currently live in is in the final stages of foreclosure. Sacramento and its citizens can come together once again and not allow for one man’s greed to shatter this family’s dream.
We need just a little more help to have the Davis in their new home by May 1, 2009. To complete the rebuilding of the Davis ‘s home, we are in desperate need of cash donations, materials and skilled labor. To make the immediate cash donations, which are so desperately needed, please make checks payable to:
Rebuilding Together Reference: Davis Project and mail to Rebuilding Together Sacramento P.O. Box 255584
Sacramento, CA 95825
If you would like to donate online, please go to www.rebuildingtogethersacramento.org. At top of home page click on the “Donate” button or at bottom of home page look for the “Donate Now” button, and then look for the The Davis Family donation button.
To make Material and Skilled Labor donations, please contact Phil Vanderloo, Project Coordinator at (916) 612-1704. Please visit www.davisproject.org for more information.
Any support received will allow us to address the immediate needs of the Davis ‘s.
Thank you.
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