Share your services in the next issue of THE HUB Magazine
Reach and Connect with the African American/Urban Consumers
ADVERTISE in the next issue of THE HUB Magazine Spring 2015
EXTENDED DEADLINE to submit your camera ready ad due by Friday, August 28 2015
Share your services, products and events with us!
This next issue will be distributed on news stands the week of October 1st. Contact the Media Company to receive a media kit and to discuss your specific marketing needs for your organization. Learn how to utilize our combo urban media campaign (print ads, online ads, and eblast ads) to reach and connect with African American/Urban consumers, families, and business owners in Northern California.
We can help you with meeting your advertising budget by assisting you with the development of a media outreach plan to reach your target market.
E-mail us at
or call us at (916) 234-3589.
See more info posted at:
CLICK HERE to see past issues of THE HUB Magazine.
Did you know Judge Lynn Toler will be the Keynote Presenter at the 7th Annual EWOC Networking Brunch Conference on Sat-10/3 in Sacramento? CLICK HERE for more info.