SMUD launches Shine community sponsorship program
SMUD launches Shine community sponsorship program
RSVP for the FREE info session on Wednesday, June 7
In celebration of our 70th year of powering what you love, SMUD is launching a new community sponsorship program — Shine. With it, you’re invited to apply for funding for projects that will improve and revitalize our local neighborhoods to help them Shine.
Shine awards will range from $5,000 to $100,000 and are very competitive. Any nonprofit organization (501c3 or 501c6) within SMUD service territory is eligible to apply. Deadline to apply is Monday, June 26. CLICK HERE to learn more about the program and apply online.
RSVP now for the Shine information session on Wednesday, June 7 at Taking place at noon in the Rubicon Room at the SMUD Customer Service Center (6301 S. Street, Sacramento, CA). CLICK HERE to download the official press release.