Special Edition issue of THE HUB Magazine Spring 2022
Special Edition issue of THE HUB Magazine Spring 2022 – Inside every issue of THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment and Lifestyle Magazine there are things to do, places to go and people to see, with a calendar of events, spotlight and feature articles on major event reviews, career profiles and business services. This magazine celebrates the urban lifestyle of African-Americans living throughout California and beyond.
This special edition is full of rich articles beginning with our front cover feature story on SacTown native, Danielle Moné Truitt, who has a starring role in NBC’s Law & Order: Organized Crime (page 8). I (Chief Editor of THE HUB Magazine – Pleshette Robertson) personally met Danielle over 15 years ago and I am personally extremely proud of her accomplishments and so glad to know her and family members.
CLICK HERE to flip-thru every page of this issue for FREE!!! The printed issue will be distributed throughout Greater Sacramento Valley region and mailed out after April 22nd.
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