Use a Rack to Lower Fat! If turkey or roast is your main course, roast it on a rack so fat drips away. If you like a bread-based stuffing, moisten it with broth instead of butter, and cook it in a separate casserole. Choose lean sauces or gravies, and serve them on the side.
Celebrate and Educate! Use this opportunity to share your healthy habits with loved ones. Take an after dinner walk and discuss the warning signs of stroke.
Take the Pledge! African Americans have higher rates for stroke than any other racial or ethnic group in the United States. In fact, blacks have almost twice the risk of first-ever stroke compared with whites, and blacks 35–54 years old have four times the relative risk for stroke.
The good news is that with proper education and action, we can reduce our risk of stroke, disability and death. Learn to live stronger and longer by taking the FREE Power To End Stroke Pledge and receive FREE health information that addresses the unique interests of African Americans.
I’m real. I’m strong. I’m proud. But I’m at risk for stroke. The American Stroke Association is ready to talk to me about what matters — to me. They can meet me where I am — to make positive lifestyle changes. They can make a positive impact — on me and my legacy.
I pledge… To not just survive — but thrive. I will learn how to live stronger and longer — for me. Join now!
Gospel singing legend BeBe Winans has joined Power To End Stroke! He has recorded a special message for PTES, watch it now!
Give Yourself a Priceless Gift: Share the Warning Signs of Stroke
Stroke is a medical emergency. Know these warning signs of stroke and teach them to others. Every second counts:
Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
Sudden, severe headache with no known cause
Learn the signs! If you or someone with you has one or more of these signs, immediately call 9-1-1.