THIS IS THE DAY – a significant moment in time and will be historically recorded for our young children and next generation to learn and read about, “OBAMA for President of the United States”, the first African American man (a BLACK MAN) to RUN and LEAD in the presidential race of America.
Don’t get left behind today, be a part of history in the making!
Exercise your right to vote if you haven’t already voted early by absentee ballot like so many others I’ve talked to. I’m going out to vote this morning at 7 am as I am able to walk right around corner to my daughter’s elementary school in South Sacramento – praise the Lord it’s just that easy in Election 2008!
This has been an electrifying presidential election race and I’m so proud to be living to witness the excitement and the Black family on the national platform of representing America in the highest honor – Obama, his incredible wife and beautiful daughters!!!
Have you been to the homepage of lately, go now to click and listen to Barack Obama’s speech at the ALC ’08 Awards Dinner in September 2008? See all the beautiful Black men and women at this dynamic event. Media staff from attended this event in Washington and we just started uploading a few of hundreds of photos to be added later this week in our photo gallery.