WILL YOU BE THERE? 3rd Annual BWU Black Women’s March Saturday, June 22, 2019 | 9 am to 12 noon | #SHELeads
Don’t miss the 3rd Annual BWU Black Women’s March in Sacramento on Sat-6/22 – starting at 9 am from Crocker Park with arriving on the West Side of the Capitol. This year’s line up of powerful speakers include: Ashlee Marie Preston, Dr. Shirley Weber, Dr. Gina Warren, Ericka Burns, Courtney Dempsey, Heaven’Le James, Trinity Mosby, Rolanda Wilkins, Maureen Craft. Artist performers include: Khalypso, Takarra Johnson, Hundreds Unit and MelaSoul.
This monumental event is designed to center Black women from not only a local perspective, but also a national perspective and to provide a safe space for sisterhood, unity, and celebration. This year’s theme is #SheLeads. We are highlighting black women leaders and leadership while bringing awareness to the issues we face.
Click here for the Facebook events page and don’t forget to share it with your friends!
For vendor information, volunteers, travel information and more, please visit us online at: https://www.bwusac.com/bwm2019
If interested in sponsorship or partnership, please send us an email at: info@bwusac.com
This year we have a mobile app! To download the app, click on the link: https://my.yapp.us/BWM2019