Youth in Foster Care Need YOU
Youth in Foster Care Need YOU
Impact a youth from foster care and have fun doing it! Attend an Aging UP Mentor Orientation to learn what it takes to be a mentor.
Aging UP is a nonprofit that aims to be a diverse organization of committed mentors from all cultural backgrounds so, together, we can best meet the needs of the youth we serve. Research shows that shared interests, as well as ethnic and cultural similarities, allow mentees and mentors to more easily establish common ground.
Sign up today to attend a one-hour, no-obligation orientation. Aging UP’s founders will thoroughly explain the requirements, benefits and need for diverse mentors. You will gain a clear picture of what it’s like to mentor a youth from foster care and the program supports we provide.
Once orientation is completed, you will have the information you need to decide if becoming a mentor is right you.
Take the first step toward becoming a mentor. To register for an orientation, or for more information, please email
Wednesday, June 27 | 6:00 – 7:00 pm | Sacramento
Saturday, June 30 | 10:30 – 11:30 am | Elk Grove
For additional information, visit