SAANC-Sacramento African American Nonprofit Coalition
In just one year, the organizations that participated in Big Day of Giving (BDoG) 2014 experienced a five fold increase in 2015 BDoG in the amount of funds received by participating in SAANC. This supports the need for African American nonprofits to earn together and create collaborative strategies that showcase their services and value to African American donors and donors across all philanthropic sectors. Strengthening the resources available to African Americans will aid in addressing the many individual and community deficits affecting this population. Partners (a total of 8) of SAANC together raised over $50,000.00 in the 2015 BDoG campaign (May 5, 2015 – see leaderboard for all info of where organizations ranked:
Current Partners of SAANC include:
Black United Fund of Sacramento Valley (BUFSV)
http://www.bufsacvalley.orgImages Theatre CompanySac Cultural Hub Media Foundation (SCHMF) of Nia
http://www.sistersofnia.orgSojourner Truth African American MuseumTravelers Aid Emergency Assistance AgencyYes2Kollege Education Resources
If you or your organization would like more information on how to join SAANC, e-mail Join our Facebook Fan page at:
For more information on Big Day of Giving (BDoG) go to The annual BDoG campaign will take place on Tuesday, May 3, 2016.