Sistahs SAVING Sistahs was created as one of Sac Hub’s newest programs working with Susan G. Komen Sacramento Valley to support African American women with breast-self care awareness and providing patient navigation, transportation and companion support for those undergoing cancer treatment. CLICK HERE to learn more about how Susan G. Komen® Northern and Central California gathered community leaders on June 2, 2017 to showcase efforts that are underway to address breast cancer health disparities confronting our African American community.
If you or you know an African American woman who has been recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is in need of the support described above, please call us at (916) 234-3589 or e-mail us at
We realize there are women who have very little to no support for needing rides (companionship support) to patient appointments for mammograms, screenings, psychological counseling and wigs, and/or chemotheraphy and radiation treatments. For those women who are interested in serving as a “Sister Companion” to provide this type of support for the Sistahs Saving Sistahs program, please complete the online form below:
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