Latest COMMENTS from our Hub Fans and Readers of THE HUB Magazine! READ what folks have been saying about and “THE HUB: The Urban Entertainment & Lifestyle Magazine” (it’s former name was Urban Entertainment Magazine)

E-MAIL US today with your opinions and suggestions for improving our website.

Dear Pleshette …Your magazine and Web site are two of the best things that ever happened to Sacramento’s African -American culture. IT keeps us abreast of upcoming events, new restaurants, small business services, etc. It’s truly a valued asset to the community. thank you for noticing the need for the type of information and establishing a company to provide it to the general public. I look forward to receiving your weekly emails.

La Shon M. Tate – October 2006

Dear Pleshette … I can’t tell you how many times I have passed by, read and reread Urban Entertainment News while at work (SMUD). Well, this Sunday, while at twork, I had a little time on my hands, and was captured by the title “Exceptional Black Women.” As I was reading the chosen few, I though my eyes were deceiving me–I continued seeing the city of EPA (East Palo Alto) as the hometown of some your “Exceptional Black Women.” It was great to see others proud of our hometown and successful in Sacramento County. Congratulations to you and your family and much continued success.

Terrie Garland – October 2006

Hello Pleshette … I want to thank you for shining a powerful light on our beautiful African-American sisters in the October 2006 issue of the Urban Entertainment Newspaper–showing our young sisters and brothers positive examples of what we can do as a people when we are focused on success and overcome all obstacles we encounter while on our way to accomplishing our goals.

Larry Ukali Johnson-Redd

Hi Pleshette … I received your newsletter–OMG! I love it. My dad has started a Web site, in which he has me writing little articles on things. I love to write, so I’m exercising my passion. But girl, I also love to read, and I’m loving this newsletter of yours. LE me just say that you are so talented, and motivated. I’m truly inspired by the articles of women (in October 2006’s issue), who are various ages, and just doing their thang! Thanks so much for sharing this with me.

Keadrian Belcher – October 2006

Hey Pleshette … The article was off the chain for real! I had to restrain myself from taking all the copies. Thank you so much for including me in your magazine! Thanks again for all your support! MUCH, MUCH RESPECT!

La-Rue’ – October 2006

Good morning, Ms. Pleshette … This is Gregory King just dropping you a few lines of thank you for all the wonderful things you are doing here in Sacramento. among them is the fact that you offer the community so much through your many endeavors, and, above all else, I want to recognize you as one of the “who’s who” among the women of Sacramento. You really are one of the most outstanding women of Sacramento.

Gregory King – October 2006

Hey Pleshette … First of all, I love your newspaper. My husband and I are still pretty new to California and reading your newspaper has helped us tremendously. You are an exceptional woman and need to be commended on your newspaper business. If there is anything that I can do for you…please don’t hesitate to ask. I look forward to receiving your weekly emails.

Lakeisha T. Wilson – October 2006

Dear … I love the Web site and I’m very pleased to know there is a place for me to go and feel apart of the city.

Adrienne Jeanne Richardson – October 2006

Attn Editor … I was just about to give up on the Valley as a middle-aged Black woman and artist. I thought it was nothing here for me. I was real excited to find a copy of Urban entertainment. I am real excited about the Black Expo. I hope there are tables and stages left! I hope you mention the Sacramento games for 50+ Californian athletes. I was real down-hearted to find no Black folks there last year. The ballroom competition is good. You can do your own version of “dancing with the stars!” I hope some Black folks show up in May 2007. They qualify for nationals in Kentucky. They have baseball, soccer, golf, basketball – you name it! I’ve sent you a cover from the program for last year. I look forward to the Expo and reading your paper.

Ms. Quyn Marie Patton – March 2007

Hello Pleshette … This is Randall Love. I would like congratulate you on your hard work and success with the Sac Cultural Hub. I don’t know if you remember me, but I was there at Round Table Pizza (in South Sacramento on Mack Road) when you first started the Hub. My schedule with my computer business in Yuba City did not allow me to continue on with the Hub, but I knew then that you were on to something big, and I knew it would be just a matter of time before the business would star growing. This is the case with every business. I am glad to see that you stuck with it because you are giving the, us, Black people in the Sacramento area something that is priceless. You take care keep up the good work.

Randall Love – January 2007

Hello Pleshette … Thank you for the vision of your company, Sac Cultural Hub. I had a great turnout for my event because of your e-blasts. I am going to advertise with you for my next upcoming “Last Friday” event probably mid-February since the event is Friday, Feb 23. Thanks again! Blessings.

Leticia Lewis, Founder

Pleshette … You have done a wonderful thing (Town-hall Meeting: Operation Save Our Homes in Sacramento) ! You are to congratulated! But, as you know, more work has to be done. This email follow-up is great!

Your humble servant-Sam – 9/26/07

Pleshette … I just wanted to reach out and tell you how proud and impressed I am with your Town Hall meeting. It was awesome. I saw the news coverage and was really proud. GOD is blessing you and showing you that you have the gift to reach others. Keep it up!!! Much Love.

Ray – 9/23/07

(e-mail message received after getting the press release from on “Operation Save Our Homes in Sacramento“) Do that stuff Ms P! That’s what I’am talking about. You need to run for something? You really do. Your influence is getting strong and sometimes Ggod puts us in position to do his work so do it!!! Maybe it’s time to do it on a bigger level!

Corey – 9/11/07

Hi Pleshette … I wanted to thank you again for allowing us to be in your magazine. It was fun to see all of those successful women and to do a little networking as well. I wanted to know if I could get the contact information for Charles ( think that’s his name), the photographer b/c I wanted to see if he could do some pix for me. He told me to contact you and get his info. If you could foward it to me I would really appreciate it. Also, the lady in the lobby that does cleaning took our hub magazines. How can I get my hands on the latest issue as well as the one that was done on the men? Thanks again and when you find the time to do some reading in between all of the stuff that you have to do, let me know what you honestly thought about the book. Be blessed.

Dr. Temeca L Richardson 9/10/07

Excellent web site I will be visiting often.

Richard – 8/2/07

Pleshette … Congratulations. We are very proud of you. Continue onward and upwards.

Mel Assagai – 8/10/07

Pleshette … I just want to say congratulations and thank you on behalf of all of Sac for this awesome medium that you have provided for us in excellence & integrity because EVERYBODY reads Sac Cultural Hub! God bless & I’ll be in touch about promoting the
chamber one again!

ICCCC – 7/27/07

This is a great website and is something Sacramento has needed for a long time. This will be my first on the local Internet. I showed it to my 21 year old daughter today and she was also amazed at how much is going on in the community that she and he friends were
unaware of. Keep it up! Lavell Tyler Jr – 7/27/07

New to your website and really nice to see what’s occurring in and around Sacramento, I would like to add that many of us along with some Sacramento Ski Clubs travel to Lake Shasta each Labor Day Weekend
and enjoy cruising on Houseboats. I’m sure your contacts with local and Bay area ski, bicycle, and racquet clubs can supply you with dates and details. It’s very enjoyable and relaxing.

Eric Gaines – 7/23/07

Just LOVED your thoughts (Editorial Message – May 2007) on Mother’s Day! God bless!

Sherry Evans – 5/5/07

Pleshette Robertson … Keep up the great work with your publication!

Thomas Drayton – 2/16/07

Good issue profiling all the brothers (February 2007 – Urban Entertainment Magazine
Special Edition issue featuring “Centerstage–Black Men in Leadership” and really enjoyed Gary who will be “Posted up chllin’ ” in 10 years.

Sonya – 2/14/07

I like the way you have formatted your Web site. Very nice! Ihave watched you develop this site over the years and I must say that I am in awe of your progress.

Terry Moore – 2/6/07